Don’t Flush This

What not to put down your Drain
These items should never have made it down the drain–but they did. Help us protect the environment by keeping these out of the toilet.
- Disposable products: diapers, personal hygiene products, paper towels, facial pads, dental floss and disposable scrubbers belong in the trash, not your toilet.
- Kitchen grease and cooking oil. Pour into a container, allow to solidify and dispose of in the garbage. Dry wipe dishes, pots and pans to remove residual grease before washing.
- Dispose of food scraps into a compost container, and put it in your compost can. Minimize the use of garbage disposals.
- Hazardous substances such as paint, paint thinner, garden chemicals, batteries, fuels, and similar toxics must be disposed of at a certified hazardous waste site.
- Drugs and Pharmaceuticals. Use Take Back Locations for extra or expired medicines – Protect the environment and your community by keeping drugs off the street and out of the water.
- Sharps (razor blades, used syringes) never go in the toilet or garbage. These are hazardous and need to be disposed of properly.