Trash Collection and Recycling
Marin Sanitary Service
Marin Sanitary Service is the authorized collector for businesses, residences, and government agencies providing garbage service for those in the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District. Marin Sanitary Service also serves the City of San Rafael and where jurisdictions overlap with the District, or co-exist, the city has the authority and responsibilities for regulating solid waste, recyclable, and organic material.
- Contact Marin Sanitary Service directly for questions on garbage service for your home or business.
- | (415) 456-2601
Ordinance 196 - Amending Chapter 1, Title 4
Effective January 1, 2025
Changes to rates and customer owned carts filled with compostable material.
Please see the attached Ordinance.
Ordinance 196 Executed.pdfUpdated District Code Title 4 Chapter 1
Short-lived Climate Pollutants Law (SB 1383)
Residents and businesses are required to follow statewide organic waste recycling and surplus food recovery laws beginning January 1, 2022. For more information, please visit the Marin Sanitary Service web page at
Commercial and Multi-Family Residential Dwellings may qualify for a waiver from the organic composting requirements of SB 1383. Click here to complete a fillable waiver form from Marin Sanitary Service.
Zero Waste Marin also has information on how businesses must comply with California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling & Composting Laws, including:
- SB 1383 Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Food Donation
- AB 341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling (MCR)
- AB 827 Mandatory Front of House Organics and Recycling Containers
- AB 1826 Mandatory Commercial Organics (MORe)
Zero Waste Marin Events
Repair Fairs
Do you have an item in need of repair? Do you want to learn more about fixing common household items to extend their useful life? Repair Fairs are free events where community members can bring an item (lamp, bike, clothes, small appliances, etc.) for free repair. Rather than leaving and retuning later to pick up their item, attendees sit with a Repair Coach who explains their approach to fixing the item. The Coach and attendee work collaboratively to try to fix the item, so that attendees learn more about fixing and hopefully feel empowered to try to fix other things. Repair Fairs keep useful items out of the landfill and spread knowledge and love of reuse and repair!
When can I attend a Repair Fair?
Saturday, April 5th
10am – 1pm
Sausalito City Hall, Edgewater Room
420 Litho St, Sausalito
Saturday, May 31st
1pm – 4pm
AJ Boro Community Center
50 Canal St, San Rafael
Saturday, June 28th
1pm – 4pm
Fairfax Public Library
2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Fairfax
July: Exact Date TBD
Saturday, August 16th
1pm – 4pm
Marin City Library
101 Donahue St, Marin City
Saturday, September 13th
1pm – 4pm
San Anselmo Library
110 Tunstead Ave, San Anselmo
How do I register an item to be fixed?
We encourage you to pre-register items you would like to have fixed at a Repair Fair; you can do so by finding the event you want to attend at: Forget to pre-register? We also take walk-ins!
How do I volunteer as a Repair Coach?
We would love to have you volunteer as a Repair Coach! Don’t feel comfortable fixing, but still want to help out? There are also volunteer opportunities to help with check-in and check-out! Fill out the volunteer intake form at, or email
Food Dehydrator Pilot
Make a plan to fight climate change by composting your food scraps! Zero Waste Marin is launching a pilot program to determine if food dehydrating bins will help Marin keep food scraps out of landfill. If you are a low-income resident of Marin or a non-profit organization serving Marin, you may qualify for a free food dehydrating bin as part of this program! For more information, visit
Composting is one of the easiest ways to make a big impact on the environment and your garden! By composting your food scraps, yard trimmings, and soiled paper, you can help reduce landfill waste and methane emissions. At home, adding finished compost into your garden can improve soil health, increased water retention, and reduce the need for synthetic!
Here are some tips to get started with at-home composting:
1) Ensure you have compost service at your residence. All homes and apartment complexes are required to have compost service. If you do not, consider reaching out to your local waste hauler or apartment management team to get this service added to your residence.
2) Get a kitchen countertop container. Having a small green pail or container on the counter makes composting simple – just toss in food scraps while cooking. You can also keep a small container in the freezer to avoid any “ick factor”, and then empty directly into your curbside green bin.
3) Consider setting up a backyard composting system. If you have extra outdoor space, backyard composting is a rewarding way to produce your own compost at home. Explore the different methods, from low-maintenance compost bins to hands-on systems, to find the one that suits your needs. Learn more here:
Don’t Trash it, Marin! What to Do with Hazardous Items
Are cans of unused paint, household cleaners and old electronics taking up space in your garage? It’s good to clean out the clutter, but not everything can go in the curbside carts. Some materials, known as Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), are toxic to you and/or to the environment and need to be dropped off at special facilities. HHW materials include Electronics, Paint, Batteries, Light Bulbs, Household Chemicals, Personal Care Products, Gardening Products and Auto Care Products.
- For details about HHW and how to get rid of it, visit
- Visit Zero Waste Marin for more information.