Pay Scale Summaries, MOU and Employment Agreements
Memorandum of Understanding with OE3 2023-2026
LGVSD -- 2023 - 2026 Signed All Parties.pdfLGVSD and OE3 Side Letter 1
2023-2026 MOU_LGVSD OE3 Side Letter Life Insurance FINAL v1 signed.pdfLGVSD and OE3 Side Letter 2
2023-2026 MOU_LGVSD OE3 Side Letter 2 - Recovery Rest Period Clarification - signed.pdfLGVSD and OE3 Side Letter 3
2023-2026 MOU_LGVSD OE3 Side Letter 3 - Vacation Cash Out -v2 FINAL - signed.pdf
Management and Unrepresented Employee Agreements
General Manager
General Manager Contract Final 07012022.docxPaxton First Amendment to Employment Agreement.pdfAdministrative Services Manager
McDonald Employment Agreement 2023-26.pdfCollection System/Safety/Maintenance Manager
Pease Employment Agreement 2023-26.pdfPease Second Amendment to Employment Agreement.pdfDistrict Engineer
Cortez Employment Agreement 2023-26.pdfCortez Second Amendment to Employment Agreement.pdfPlant Manager
Liebmann Employment Agreement 2023-26.pdfLiebmann Second Amendment to Employment Agreement.pdfAdministrative/Financial Specialist (Unrepresented)
Brandon Hunt Employee Agreement.pdf