Our Service Area

Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District is located in the Las Gallinas Valley between Novato and San Rafael, in Marin County, California. The District’s wastewater treatment and recycling facilities are located on over 400 acres on San Pablo Bay. The District currently serves over 30,000 people in communities north of central San Rafael.
In 1955, our original wastewater treatment plant was constructed to address health problems from failing septic tanks in Santa Venetia. New development in north San Rafael resulted in annexation of Terra Linda in 1956, followed by other areas including San Rafael Meadows, Marinwood, Lucas Valley, and other communities.
Major plant expansions were built in 1958, 1972, 1984 and 2022. The latter increased capacity to 3.2 million gallons per day with ponds to hold treated wastewater and spray fields that allow the District to withhold discharge in summer months to San Francisco Bay via Miller Creek. Our Secondary Treatment Plant Upgrade and Recycled Water Expansion Project increased capacity to better serve the present and future residents and address maintenance, efficiency and regulatory issues.