Resolutions 2015
Resolution No. 2015-2025: Legal Responsible Official Designation for Reporting SSOResolution No. 2015-2026: Accepting the BERS Project FundsResolution No. 2015-2027: Amending Board Policies B-120, B-180 and F-40Resolution No. 2015-2028: Employer Paid Member ContributionsResolution No. 2015-2029: Revised Board Policy B-50:Training/Conferences/TravelResolution No. 2015-2030: Fixing Time and Place for Public Hearing on Sewer Service Charge Rates for the Fiscal Year 2014-15Resolution No. 2015-2031: Fixing Time and Place for Public Hearing on Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2032: Supporting the Preservation of Tax-Exempt FinancingResolution No. 2015-2033: Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration of the Lower Miller Creek Channel Maintenance ProjectResolution No. 2015-3034: Amending the Time and Place and the Public Notice for the Public Hearing on Sewer Service Charge Rates For the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2035: Proposing an Election Be Held in it’s Jurisdiction:Requesting the Board of Supervisors To Consolidate with Any Other Election Conducted on Said Date, and Requesting Election Services by the Marin County Elections DepartmentResolution No. 2015-2036: Amending the Time and Place for the Public Hearing on the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2037: Determining that the Biogas Energy Recovery System Project is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality ActResolution No. 2015-2038: Certifying that Legal Notice has been given for the Hearing on the Sewer Service Charge Rate Increase for the Fiscal Years 2015/15 through 2019/20Resolution No. 2015-2039: Certifying that Legal Notice has been given for the Hearing on the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2040: Fixing and Approving the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2041: Confirming the Annual Sewer Charge and Supplemental Service Charges for the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2042: Providing for the Collection of Sewer Service Charges on the Tax RollResolution No. 2015-2043: Determining the 2015-16 Appropriation of Tax ProceedsResolution No. 2015-2044: Requesting Allocation of Taxes for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2045: Adopting the Pay Scales Effective July 1, 2015 Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Subchapter 1, Employees’ Retirement System Regulations Section 570.5Resolution No. 2015-2046: Accepting the Crew Lunch Room ModificationsResolution No. 2015-2047: Confirming the Report on Sewer Service Charges for the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitary District for the Fiscal Year 2015-16Resolution No. 2015-2048: Approving Policies for Administrative Policy A-01: Travel on District Business and Board Policy B-50: Training/Conferences/Seminars/TravelResolution No. 2015-2049: Accepting the Slope Access and Site Fencing Phase 1Resolution No. 2015-2050: Approving Revised Board Policy F-40:Purchasing, Including Retaining ConsultantsResolution No. 2015-2051: Approving Revised Board Policy F-40:Purchasing, Including Retaining Consultants and F:50: Credit CardsResolution No. 2015-2052: Adopting the Pay Scales Effective November 9, 2015 Pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Subchapter 1, Employees’ Retirement System Regulations Section 570.5Resolution No. 2015-2053: Declaring and Ordering the Disposition of Surplus Funds, and Approving the Closeout Analysis and Findings Report for the Los Ranchitos Zone of the Consolidated Reassessment and Refunding District of 2003Resolution No. 2015-2054: Rescinding Resolution 2013-1972 and Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment FundResolution No. 2015-2055: Approving Policies for Board Policy B-50: Training/Conferences/Seminars/Travel/Meals