What should I do if I’m going to the Reclamation Ponds during construction?
- Before coming to the area, check the District website for the latest update – this will tell you of upcoming access limitations (you can also sign up to receive email updates)
- Exercise extreme caution when using the access road and trailhead parking area – whether you’re in your car or on foot, you’ll be sharing the road with construction crews and equipment
- Watch out for heavy construction equipment and trucks, workers, detours, road closures, and lane reductions
- Observe all safety signage and directions from construction staff/flaggers
- If walking on the access road, stay to one side, be aware of your surroundings and of any nearby equipment or vehicles

Thank you for your understanding and patience. This work is being done to ensure that the District can continue to provide the exceptional service and high-quality technical processes that the community needs and deserves, for generations to come.